Pia´s Yu-Kai Zoya Zentai



Pia´s Xawabara Xamuri-Xan B/W 2 CC SUCH FIUCH Odessa´s Kiril B/W 2 CACIB USCH Touche´s Tux N Ty B/W
USCH Touche Honeycrest Helzapopin B/W
Kitteka Fria Fröken Frida B/W 1 CC SUCH Sheriko Yoko Zuno B/W
SUCH Kitteka Lundell Sekr B/W
SUCH Pia´s Chicko-Rita Cho-Cho R/W SUCH PTCH Kitteka Yrväder Yppigpia B/W DKUCH SUCH Stenstrup´s Alf B/W
Kitteka Kluckande Kattegatt R/W
Pia´s Ådessa Å-Ritza B/W 2 CC SUCH Kläpphällans Cikito B/W
SUCH Hårskas Timo-Tej B/W


Breeder Pia´s kennel, Annika Hagström, Bjuråker
DOB 2008-10-23
Heart Ok at 25 october 2010.
Inbreed 1,8 %
Owner Monica Nilsson, Bozelli´s kennel


7 month


8 weeks and 1 day old                    Photo: Anna Hagström


7 weeks and 6 day old
Photo: Annika Hagström


7 weeks and 4 day old

Photo: Annika Hagström


7 weeks and 3 day old
Photo: Annika Hagström


6 weeks and 1 day old
Photo: Annika Hagström


1 month and 3 days old
Photo: Annika Hagström


3 weeks old

Photo: Annika Hagström


1 month old
Photo: Annika Hagström



Updated 2013-09-14